How to fill out the Refund-Transfer Request Form

If you submit a request for a refund or transfer, you will need to fill out this form.

Submit a PDF copy or photo to us by email.

Step 1: Download or print the form

Choose one:

  1. Download the form and use Adobe Reader (a free program) to fill it out with a compatible device or computer. Remember to save your completed form as a new file before sending it to us.
  2. Or print the form and fill it out by hand.

Step 2: Fill out your personal information

ID Document #: Your passport or PR card number (that you used for the test).

Given names: Your first name(s) and any middle name(s).

Surname: Your family name, if you have one.

Address: The mailing address registered to your IELTS account.

Telephone: Optional.

Email: Please write your registered IELTS email address.

Step 3: Select your request type and test centre

Choose REFUND to cancel your test or TEST DATE TRANSFER to reschedule your test.

 Step 4: Fill out your CURRENT test information

This section is about the test you originally registered for.

Step 5: Fill out your NEW test information (for transfers only)

This section is about the new test that you want to switch to.

If you are applying for a refund, do not complete this section.

Step 6: Complete the test taker statement and declaration

Test taker statement: In the box, write your reason for requesting a refund/transfer. This is required if you are requesting a refund/transfer outside of our regular policy. If this is the case, you'll also need to attach supporting evidence in your email when you submit the form.

Digitally sign and date the form. If you can't complete the TEST TAKER SIGNATURE or DATE, you can submit the form without it as long as all your personal details match your registered IELTS account and you email us from your registered email address.

Step 7: Complete the Test Transfer Fee authorization form (for transfers only)

You must fill out the second page of the form (the Test Transfer Fee form) to authorize payment of a mandatory $80.00 administrative fee.

You do not need to fill this page out if you request a refund. Instead, the fee is deducted from your refund.

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