Change or cancel your booking by email if you contact us within 24 hours

Change your test type (Academic or General Training)

If you register for the wrong test, email us immediately to change it. There is no administrative fee if you inform us within 24 hours after payment is submitted. If you contact us after 24 hours, our regular refund/transfer policy applies.

Example: If you accidentally register for a General Training test but need an Academic test.

New tests are subject to availability and we might need to change your test date or location to accommodate you. 

Change your test date or cancel your test

You can ask to cancel your test if you inform us within 24 hours after payment. An $80.00 administrative fee will be deducted from your refund amount.

If available, we may also approve requests to change the test date or format. The $80.00 transfer fee must be paid before we can transfer you.

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