What should I bring with me or wear to my test?

  1. Your approved ID document (passport or Canadian PR card). It must be a valid, original, physical document. Find out more about accepted ID documents here. Without your ID, you cannot take the test and will not be offered a transfer or refund.
  2. Water in a clear, colourless bottle. Remove all labels. 
  3. If you are 17 years old or younger on test day, bring your Minor Consent Form. This must be signed by a parent or guardian. You don't need this form if you are 18 or older.

Do I need to bring any equipment, like pencils?

No, we will provide everything you need, including pencils and rough paper to make notes on.

Is there a safe place to put my stuff?

Small valuables, such as your phone, jewellery, wallet, and keys: Small personal valuables can be checked in and locked away during the test. Leave large valuables (like laptops) at home - there is no secure place to store them. 

Bags and coats: Bigger belongings like bags and coats can be left outside the test room. 

We do not accept any responsibility for any lost personal items.

What to wear to your test

We recommend comfortable lightweight clothing. The test room can get quite warm when all the computers are running.

Please note the following:

  • Do not wear perfume/cologne. You may be asked to leave the test if overpowering scents affect other candidates.
  • You cannot remove any items of clothing during the test. Please decide if you want to remove jackets/sweaters before the test starts.

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